XEDIT is an interactive full screen text editor suitable for both
programming and word processing applications. The entire screen or
window is used
for editing, with all changes appearing on screen as they are made. A
comprehensive editing capability provides a direct approach to creation
and editing of text files. Free of language or syntax, XEDIT's
functions require only a single keystroke.
Speed and Efficiency
XEDIT is ready to work as soon as you start it and gets you out quickly
when you are done, regardless of the size of the file you are editing.
Its small size minimizes computer load; its directness of operation
minimizes your time and effort.
Ease of Use
XEDIT is simple and straightforward to use. New users understand it
immediately, while those with experience use it without conscious
thought. XEDIT is not simply a collection of commonly required editing
functions. Rather it has been designed as a tool appropriate to the
process of editing. This allows you and XEDIT to work together with
each step of the editing process leading naturally to the next.
When the unexpected occurs, XEDIT clearly indicates what happened and is
most ready for what you are most likely to do next. For example, after
not finding a match during a search, your next keystroke can: begin
correcting the search string, search the file in the other direction, or
return to what you were doing before the search.
The XEDIT approach to editing shows up as a lack of awareness of the
editor, providing comfortable editing and ultimately contributing to
the speed and quality of your work.
XEDIT Features
new files may be created and existing files may be edited
existing files may be used to create new files
all functions are labeled with easy-to-understand names
functions are accessed by a single keystroke
no commands or syntax to be learned
specialized functions ease programming and word processing tasks
the entire screen or window is used for display of text being edited
ruler and line number are displayed whenever needed
displayed text always matches file contents
horizontal scrolling gives access to lines longer than screen width
extremely large files may be edited efficiently
file size is limited only by available virtual memory
lines up to 1000 characters in length may be edited (optionally longer)
edit logging allows recovery from system failure
user-defined tab settings and margins are set by file type
instant access to any line by line number
fast searches, typically millions of lines per second
files with control characters, special PC characters, or incorrect parity can be edited or created
may be used on all PC compatibles running Windows
supplied as a small collection of files for simple installation
uses less than a megabyte of disk space
may be configured to meet the needs of user and installation
installation takes just a few minutes
supplied with well-designed user aids for ease of use and rapid learning
comprehensive documentation includes installation guide, tutorial, and reference manual
low one-time license fee
XEDIT Functions
Character Editing
Character Insert - text entry
BS - delete previous character
DEL - delete current character
COPY CHAR - copy character from line above
LC - convert character to lower case
UC - convert character to upper case
Cursor Positioning
DOWNARROW - cursor down; scroll if necessary
UPARROW - cursor up; scroll if necessary
LEFTARROW - cursor right; scroll if necessary
RIGHTARROW - cursor left; scroll if necessary
FAST UP - fast cursor up with homing
FAST DOWN - fast cursor down with homing
FAST LEFT - fast cursor left; scroll if necessary
FAST RIGHT - fast cursor right; scroll if necessary
WORD RIGHT - cursor right to next word
WORD LEFT - cursor left to previous word
BOL - cursor to beginning of line
EOL - cursor after last non-blank in line
NEXT PAGE - display next screen of file
PREV PAGE - display previous screen of file
Line Editing
BLANK EOL - blank from cursor to end of line
BLANK LINE - blank entire current line
DEL LINE - delete current line from file
INS LINE - insert blank line pushing current line down
RETURN - insert blank line below current line and move cursor
COPY LINE - copy current line
MOVE UP - move current line up swapping it with previous line
MOVE DOWN - move current line down swapping it with next line
COMB LINE - combine current and next lines
SPLIT LINE - split current line at cursor
REST LINE - restore current line contents
Tabs and Margins
TAB - move cursor to next tab stop
BK TAB - move cursor to previous tab stop
SET TABS - display tab line and ruler
select tab line - 1-9 for any of 9 sets of tabs for current file
set tab stops - T code in tab line
set margins - L or R code in tab line
enable word wrap - W code in tab line
ROUGH JUST - rejustify (reform) current paragraph
FIND - find a spot in the file
top of file - T or TOP
bottom of file - B or BOTTOM
access by number - enter absolute or relative line number
access by content - enter search string and direction
search and replace - enter old and new strings
gather lines - view and edit only lines containing string
SRCH AGAIN - repeat search finding next occurrence of string
START MACRO - begin saving commands and text
END MACRO - end saving of commands and text
DO MACRO - execute saved commands and text
FORGT - clear line memory
MEMRZ - save current line in memory
RECAL - recall line memory
RPT 1X - repeat command or character
RPT 5X - repeat five times
RPT nX - repeat specified number of times or until done